EDGES Coming Soon! EDGES is an independent feature film that tells the moving story of a small group of strangers drawn together as they confront everything they know about love, grief, healing and forgiveness, so they can learn how to save each other and themselves. Release Date: EDGES is wrapping up post production and will be released soon! Please check back for more information! Starring (in alphabetical order): Ruthie Austin, James Jimmy Bacon, Megan Caulfield, Nick Duckworth, Callie Etches, Phil Hosford, Murtaza Kapasi, Lolita Marie, Dean Martin Mountaki, Peter Pereyra, Michele Racey, Paul Radziak, Stephanie Sutherland, Rowan Olivia Tarmy, and Isaac Witte. Produced by James Durham and Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy. Written and Directed by James Durham. Please check back soon as we build out the website with more info, the full cast and crew listing, and latest updates about the release! Copyright 2021 Ochros Media, LLC |